Section 20 of the UCIMC Personnel Policy, adopted March 20, 2012

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“UC-IMC is committed to creating and maintaining a work place free of sexual harassment.  Improper conduct in the workplace is inappropriate and will not be tolerated.  This conduct includes:

–Express or implied requests for sexual favors as a condition of job retention, promotion, or other benefit of employment.

–Unwelcome physical contact.

–Harassment of other behavior (such as the telling of sexually explicit jokes, improper suggestions, graphic or descriptive comments or discussions about an individual’s body or physical appearance, degrading verbal comments, offensive sexual flirtations, and intimidation).

Offensive behavior directed at a person’s race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, or marital status is also prohibited.  The UC-IMC’s policy on sexual harassment and other offensive behavior applies to staff, its Board of Directors, donors, and volunteers.

Any complaints of harassment should be referred immediately to the Operations Manager or the Board. All investigations will be conducted on a confidential basis, and at no time will the complainant be retaliated against.  Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken when warranted.  False complaints will not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action against the false accuser.”


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