Youth Poetry

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by Amina Alamin

My curly hair can do anything it can be in big braids and in little braids
and curled in to ringlets
and many more things.

Some people don’t like my hair and some people do.

I used to hate my

Isn’t a shock? I am talking about how much I love my hair now. I used to think it was too
long and too thick.

Isn’t too bad? Everybody should love every strand of their hair.

AminaAmina is a home-schooled third grader who enjoys gymnastics, tennis, and swimming. She has a 7-month-old cat who she adores. She plans to grow up and become an EMT.




by Selma Alamin

When I switch on the news this is what I see
A black man laying right in front of me
He is laying on the floor
and says no more
The bullets I try to ignore
As I watch the blood gushing
out I have tears rushing
down my cheek
As I watch I see police surrounding him with tasers and guns
as other people run
I feel this is wrong
because they are innocent
but we will stay strong

SelmaSelma is a 10-year-old fourth grader. She enjoys swimming, ice skating, and running 5K’s. She loves to laugh and make others laugh. She hopes to run a marathon in the future.

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