IMC Fest Raises Over $1,500 for the UC-IMC

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,  ’    at the
Canopy Club (produced by the IMC’s booking
group) was a resounding success. With the help of
twelve bands, two feature films, one filmmaker, a ‘zine
slam, lots of volunteers, and an enthusiastically supportive
community, we were able to raise $1,687 for
the IMC! One thousand dollars of this money will go
toward the IMC’s Capital Campaign; of the rest, a
portion will go to the IMC’s Video Group for its contributions
to the event, and the remainder will be
reserved to support future Booking Group projects.
The Capital Campaign, as many people may know,
has become increasingly urgent since the closure of
the IMC’s shows space, which was a major source of
revenue. In order for the IMC to be the community
resource it has the potential to become, we need a
space where we can put on all-ages non-smoking
concerts, have enough room to display all the books
and magazines in our library, and have adequate
space to produce media.
The Capital Campaign’s goal is to reach $100,000
by the end of the year in order to purchase a permanent
home for the Independent Media Center.We are
well on our way with $42,000 in the bank, but we are
looking toward the community (including Public i
readers) to help us reach our goal. In order to make
your tax deductible contribution to the Capital Campaign,
go to, or send your
check to Urbana-Champaign Independent Media
Center, ATTN: Treasurer/Capital Campaign, 218 W.
Main St., Suite 110, Urbana, IL 61801-2725, made out
to UCIMC with Capital Campaign in the memo line.
In part due to the overwhelming success of
IMCFest, the IMC Booking Group plans to use its
share of the IMCFest money to produce a similar all
day affair, this time at the Channing-Murray Foundation
and open to folks of all ages. This concert is
scheduled for November 15, and will be coordinated
by several of our underage volunteers.
And looking even further into the future, the
Booking Group has plans to make IMCFest a semiannual
event, with the possibility of another event in the
Spring and one next summer. The funds from last
month’s IMCFest will help make all of this possible,
and will allow us to rent space to put on smaller
shows as often as we possibly can. Thanks to everyone
who attended the festival, everyone who stayed all
day to help (some people volunteered for more than
twelve hours!), everyone who paid a $50 entrance fee
(we saw you), and to all the businesses in town that
generously offered their services to help us make our
crazy idea a success.

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