Monthly Archives: May 2019

It’s Not an Immigration Crisis, It’s a Global Labor Tragedy

An underclass of “undocumented” workers in the U.S., sweatshops in Asia, child miners in Africa, contract ironworkers in Dubai … we live in a world of globalized labor exploitation. This doesn’t just mean a world where workers in many countries … Continue reading

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GEO Statement Against the Proposed ICE Detention Center in Dwight, Illinois

February 28, 2019 We, the Graduate Employees Organization at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign IFT/AFT Local 6300 AFL-CIO, strongly condemn the proposed construction of a private prison in Dwight, Illinois. The Dwight Planning Commission met on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 … Continue reading

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The Labor Problem

by Eugene V. Debs – unsigned editorial in Locomotive Firemen’s Monthly Magazine, vol. 3, no. 5 (May 1879), p. 146. Whatever politicians may say to the contrary, however much they may attempt to lead the masses away from the truth, … Continue reading

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Chief Illiniwek: A Brief History and Call to Action

On March 13, 2007, the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, after approximately 20 years of debate on the Illiniwek tradition, directed “… the immediate conclusion to the use of Native American imagery as the symbol of the University of … Continue reading

Posted in bigotry, Chief Illiniwek, University of Illinois | Comments Off on Chief Illiniwek: A Brief History and Call to Action

Attacks on the Campus Left Then and Now: Fighting Student Activists on Illinois’ Campus in the 1930s

In the 1930s, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was home to a thriving anti-war and anti-imperialist community of different radical, socialist, and communist groups. The National Student League (NSL), later called the American Student Union (ASU), the Communist Youth … Continue reading

Posted in African Americans, Alt-Right, military, Students, University of Illinois | Comments Off on Attacks on the Campus Left Then and Now: Fighting Student Activists on Illinois’ Campus in the 1930s

The value of community

By Molly Zupan, representing UIUC Urban Planning 478 Spring 2019 students This spring semester, a group of urban planning and architecture students from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have collaborated on creating visual, physical and written representations of the … Continue reading

Posted in bigotry, Community, Food Insecurity, incarceration | Comments Off on The value of community

On the Topic of Islamophobia and Nationalism

From the time we are little until we are fully grown, most of us are taught the basic saying “treat others the way you want to be treated.” It represents the action of being courteous and kind, to not disrespect … Continue reading

Posted in African Americans, bigotry, China, civil rights, Islamophobia, Israel/Palestine, Xenophobia | Comments Off on On the Topic of Islamophobia and Nationalism

Unacceptable Levels—Our Body Burden, Our Planet Burden

Our planet is drowning in synthetic chemicals. Our bodies have become synthetic chemical processing plants. A 2005 Environmental Working Group study of umbilical cord blood revealed that babies are born already pre-polluted with over 200 industrial contaminates. Hundreds of the … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, film, Politics, Public Health | Comments Off on Unacceptable Levels—Our Body Burden, Our Planet Burden

Welcome to the IMC

Come in. I am writing to invite you deeper into the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center. I lead a lot of tours of the IMC. Some of you know more of the history than I do. The IMC has been around, … Continue reading

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