Monthly Archives: July 2023

Summer Issue Front Cover


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US/NATO Proxy War in Ukraine: Continuity in US Foreign Policy

The war in Ukraine is barbarous and awful beyond comprehension. The formula in the US media that the attack was unjustified is true, but its frequent corollary, that it was completely unprovoked, is not. This is Noam Chomsky’s and Daniel … Continue reading

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Posted in Afghanistan, Foreign Policy, Imperialism, International, International, Ukraine, War | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on US/NATO Proxy War in Ukraine: Continuity in US Foreign Policy

Frozen Conflicts, Flashmob Militants, and the End of the Gunpowder State

Syria, Libya, Yemen . . . and now Sudan. Sudan has the unhappy potential to become the next of the intractable conflicts that have unfolded over the past decade. These multisided struggles involving a cocktail of militaries, militias, and mercenaries … Continue reading

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Posted in Africa, Foreign Policy, International, International, Middle East, Section, Violence, War | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Frozen Conflicts, Flashmob Militants, and the End of the Gunpowder State

Daniel Ellsberg: “The Most Dangerous Man in America” and Heroic Whistleblower

“Wouldn’t you go to prison to help end this war?” Daniel Ellsberg, 1971 “I was PFC Manning.” Daniel Ellsberg, 2011 “The current risk of nuclear war, over Ukraine, is as great as the world has ever seen.” Daniel Ellsberg, 2023 … Continue reading

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Posted in Foreign Policy, Free Speech, Imperialism, Peace movement, Vietnam War, War | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Daniel Ellsberg: “The Most Dangerous Man in America” and Heroic Whistleblower

Anti-Abortion Centers Mislead People at Their Most Vulnerable

Reproductive justice: the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities. This past January, on the 50th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, SisterSong … Continue reading

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Posted in abortion rights, Feminism, Healthcare, Reproductive Justice, Section, Voices, Women, Women, wonen's rights, Youth | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Anti-Abortion Centers Mislead People at Their Most Vulnerable

Profiting Across the Autism Spectrum

Driving through north Champaign last winter I noticed a new business in a strip mall near Denny’s. At first, I assumed it was some sort of sports store due to the all-caps signage: “TOTAL SPECTRUM.” But this was not a … Continue reading

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Posted in Corporations, health care, Healthcare, Mental Health, Section | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Profiting Across the Autism Spectrum

Diesel Therapy

The odyssey of Urbana resident Shamar Betts continues. Betts was arrested for authoring a Facebook post at age 19 in the wake of the George Floyd murder in 2020. He was sentenced to four years in federal prison and charged … Continue reading

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Posted in African American, African Americans, BLM, incarceration, Justice, Prisoners, Section, Voices, Voices of Color | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Diesel Therapy

UIUC GEO Wins a Progressive Contract

Graduate workers across the US have been hard-hit by the skyrocketing inflation induced by federal mismanagement of monetary policy that is being felt by all too many working-class people. The laughable wage increases that were “handed” to many low-paid workers … Continue reading

Posted in labor, Labor/Economics, Public Universities, Section, Students, union soldarity, University of Illinois, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Voices | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on UIUC GEO Wins a Progressive Contract

Carbon Capture, Illinois’ Biggest Coal Fired Power Plant, and the Prairie Research Institute

Carbon capture has become the divisive hot topic in Illinois climate policy over the last year. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) included substantial subsidies for carbon capture that have created an industry gold rush looking to build and operate carbon … Continue reading

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Posted in Climate crisis, Environment, Environment, IL, Section | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Carbon Capture, Illinois’ Biggest Coal Fired Power Plant, and the Prairie Research Institute

Summer Issue Back Cover

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