Inclusive Illinois? Hell No!

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On Wednesday, September 19, at noon the
Students Tranforming Oppression and
Priveledge (STOP) Coalition successfully
took over the student union and reclaimed
it as a public space. Approximately 60-80
people marched throughout the main floor
of the union, going in and out of the building
several times. STOP protesters
marched past the ice cream corner, the
Credit Union, and past the Espresso Royal
Café counter as employees looked on in
wonder. STOP organizers Treva Ellison,
John Gergeley, and Paty Garcia led chants
of “Whose Union? Our Union!”
The march drew upon the coalitional
structure of STOP and called out students of
color, students of conscience, community
members, union members, LGBT people,
and many others. SEIU workers were there
to protest going for a year without a contract.
In the Courtyard Café they chanted,
“Who Cleans the Buildings? B-S-Ws!”
(Building Service Workers) “Who Feeds the
Children? F-S-Ws!” (Food Service Workers).
STOP then marched over to the Swanlund
Administration Building shouting,
“Inclusive Illinois? Hell No!” and “They Say
Cut-Backs. We Say Fight Back!”

About Brian Dolinar

Brian Dolinar has been a community journalist since 2004.
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