A Tribute to Bob Walfedt

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Marching so proud throughout his life
Many remember how he stood—
He was a foe of tears and strife.
Always standing for what was good!
He stood up tall, he stood up proud,
Marching with me Brothers along—
He knew the Truth, and spoke it loud,
As we all sang our Union song!
For most of the last century,
He stood for what he knew was Right!
He stood against War’s treachery,
But he was not afraid to fight!
The kind of war that Bob stood for
Was never that crime in Iraq,
But for the Hungry, and the Poor,
Be they white, or Asian, or Black…
Standing besides him on the street,
Each of us with banner in hand
We felt we could not know defeat
With Bob there supporting our stand!
He’ll always be there in Spirit
When the time to march comes again!
If we live like Bob lived it,
Then we can do nothing but win!
His Life was a lesson he left,
So we would all know how to live.
And though our hearts are now bereft,
We thank Bob for what he had to give?

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