Food Not Bombs Returns To C-U With The Really, REALLY Free Market

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RRFM will be Saturday, October 10, 3PM–5PM followed
by FNB from 5PM–7PM, at the southeast corner
of Westside Park in Champaign.
The Really, Really Free Market (RRFM) movement
is a non-hierarchical collective of individuals who
form a temporary market based on an alternative gift
economy. The RRFM movement aims to counteract
capitalism in a non-reactionary way. It holds as a
major goal to build a community based on sharing
resources, caring for one another and improving the
collective lives of all. Markets often vary in character,
but they generally offer both goods and services.
Participants bring unneeded items, food, skills and
talents such as entertainment or haircuts. A RRFM
may take place in an open community space such as
a public park or community commons.
The movement has emerged in diverse places such
as Wilmington, Raleigh, Greensboro and Greenville,
NC; New York City, Reno, NV, Cottage Grove, OR; Minneapolis,
Milwaukee, Lancaster and Pttsburgh, PA;
Austin, Grand Rapids and Detroit, MI; Belfast, NY,
Tallahassee, FL; Richmond, VA; Cincinnati and Dayton,
OH; Indianapolis, IN; San Francisco… and NOW
here in C-U!!
So bring something to share! Anything at all! And
then enjoy a free dinner with Food Not Bombs.

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