Errata (journalistic Latin for “I goofed”)

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In my article, “New York/Champaign: Policing and Race,” in the February issue of the Public i, I made three mistakes.
I wrote that blacks drivers were over twice as likely to be stopped as whites by the Champaign police. While
that is technically true, it is more accurate to say that blacks are just a tad shy of being three times as likely to
be stopped. The calculations were right, but I took the figures from the wrong table in the annual police report.
Similarly, the racial breakdown of custodial arrests by Champaign school resource officers (SRO) was inaccurate.
The numerical breakdown I gave was of witnesses, not arrestees. I should have written that, of the 84 total
“custodial arrests,” where the person is actually taken into police custody, approximately 87% were of black students.
Third, Gregory Brown, a developmentally disabled man whose family received a wrongful death settlement
from the city of Champaign was white, not black as I had written.
I do apologize to our readers, Belden Fields

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