Solving the College Tuition Problem Is Easy

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Center for Advanced Study Professor of Media & Cinema Studies Jay Rosenstein is the award-winning filmmaker of In Whose Honor? (1997), The Amasong Chorus: Singing Out (2004), and The Lord is Not on Trial Here Today (2010)

I have solved the college tuition problem, and it was easy.

Ok, not exactly. I haven’t solved it for every college. But I have solved it for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). And all the other public Big Ten schools as well.

The problem, of course, is that the cost of college tuition has skyrocketed. Students, and their families, are getting buried deeper and deeper in debt trying to pay for college. Public universities, once havens of affordable, quality college education, have been hit the hardest. Almost every state in America has cut, and/or is cutting funding for higher education. It is a problem that has fast become a national crisis.


But I have solved it.

President Obama has an idea for a solution. He wants to give everyone two years of college, tuition free. It’s a great solution, except for one small problem: he has no idea how to pay for it. Right now, it’s a pipe dream.

But my solution doesn’t have that problem. I know exactly how to pay for it. In fact, not only do I know how to pay for it, it will cost nothing.

My solution does not require even one additional taxpayer dollar. It doesn’t require state legislators to reallocate any of their funds, or raise taxes, or have to find any additional revenue. Not one additional state or federal dollar is necessary.

And there’s more.

The University will not have to make one single cut. Not even one employee will have to lose his or her job, not one program, major, or class will have to be eliminated. No furloughs. Not one salary will have to be lowered. Everything at the university will be exactly as it is today.

Not. One. Single. Cut. And tuition will be lower.

How much lower?

Here at UIUC, using the current admission and tuition numbers, 11.5 percent lower base tuition and fees for all in-state juniors. Or, 11.5 percent lower base tuition for all in-state seniors. Not bad, huh?

There are, of course, other ways the savings could be divided up; this is just one way.

Ok, I admit it’s not a perfect solution. An 11.5% tuition cut certainly isn’t as good as a 25% tuition cut. And a one-year discount isn’t as good as a four-year discount. So it’s not perfect. But on the other hand, it doesn’t cost a thing.

Jay chart

And, as promised, it’s easy. As easy as four letters, mostly.

E S P N.

That’s right, the sports television network.

ESPN can become both “The Worldwide Leader in Sports” and “The Worldwide Leader in Tuition Relief.”

Here’s how:

The Big Ten conference’s current football and basketball TV contract with ESPN expires at the end of the 2016-17 basketball season. And according to the Chicago Tribune, “One thing is certain: the Big Ten should be in line for a windfall.”

You read that correctly: a windfall.


Since the conference’s current contract with ESPN is a ten-year, $1 billion deal (that’s “b” as in billion), and the Tribune expects the next contract to be a “windfall” (its word), an additional $1 billion – an increase to $2 billion — is certainly not out of the question.

And the best news is, teams don’t have to make the playoffs to get the payoff. They don’t even have to win any games. They don’t have to do anything. The schools are just going to get the money.

Dividing that increase among the fourteen schools in the Big Ten (that’s not a typo; don’t ask), the new TV contract should mean at least an additional $7.2 million per year, per school.

That’s on top of the nearly $27 million the schools received from the Big Ten conference in 2013-14. Plus an extra $3 million that is expected for the 2014-15 fiscal year.

That’s an extra $10 million per year, minimum, free and clear, no strings attached, coming to UIUC. That money could easily be used to provide long-overdue tuition relief for Illinois families.

But what about the athletic department, you might ask?


Well, without any of this new money, the athletic department already has enough to pay the three highest public employee salaries in the entire state: the head football and basketball coaches, at $1.8 million per year each; and the athletic director, $568,000 per year, before his bonuses. Plus, six of the nine highest paid employees at UIUC are in the athletic department (in order: the head football coach, men’s head basketball coach, athletic director, football offensive coordinator, football defensive coordinator, and women’s head basketball coach).

Clearly, they’re already doing pretty well.

Not only that, the athletic department also collects a mandatory fee every semester from every student. So tuition-paying parents have already been paying for athletics.

Isn’t it time to give those parents a break?

But no one is going to touch any of that income. The athletic department will continue to keep all the revenue they have now. No cuts.

That’s a win-win no matter how you look at it.

Like I said, this is not a pipe dream. It’s real, and it can be done. You can find all the details of this plan at

So here it is, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do something that’s never been done in the lifetime of UIUC: lower tuition.

Eleven and a half percent lower tuition for all in-state juniors or seniors.

No cost.

No cuts.

Everybody wins.

I told you it was easy.


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