March for Support of Immigrants at July 4th Parade

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March for Support of Immigrants at July 4th Parade

Tuesday, July 4 at 11 AM1 PM

In an effort to demonstrate local support for immigrants in our community, the C-U Immigration Forum is organizing a huge participation in the July 4th Freedom Parade.

Our goal is to have 500 people march with us in the parade. If you are free to join us, please do so but also help spread the word among family, friends, co-workers and other organizations or faith communities you are active with.

We are encouraging people to sign up so we can track how many folks are participating and also to send out updates about details of the event. Sign up here:

Show up, speak out in your own unique way for the support of local immigrants and the progress of human rights. You can also join us in raising your voice and showing support in other ways:

Join us for a sign-making party on Saturday, July 1st from 2pm-4pm at the University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright Street. This is a kid-friendly event with food and plenty of crafty supplies. Immigration Forum t-shirts are also available. You may order your t-shirt here:

Thanks for your help and support.

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