Call For Artist to Design IMC’s New Outdoor Sign!

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The IMC is now seeking proposals from artists to design and paint a new outdoor sign. We seek a diversity of applications by a variety of artists. The chosen design will serve as a main identifier for the public to the IMC as a space. We are replacing our current sign with large aluminum letters reading “I-M-C” on the west-facing front side of the building. Each letter fits within 4’ x 4’ square. We will have the aluminum sheets cut out according to design. We are offering a $100 honorarium to the chosen artist.

Artists should submit their design concept with a short explanation (1-2 paragraphs) of how they see their design as a reflection of the mission of the IMC. Deadline is June 22.

Please send a proposal to:

About IMC:
The mission of the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (IMC) is to foster the creation and distribution of media and art that emphasizes underrepresented voices and perspectives, and to promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.

About Brian Dolinar

Brian Dolinar has been a community journalist since 2004.
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