The Sad Closing of Milo’s Restaurant

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The social life in Urbana is not going be the same without Milo’s. It was much more than a restaurant. It was a gem of a social institution, a place where one could go, whether alone, as a couple, or as a group, and know that you would have the pleasure of seeing other friends and neighbors. The warm greeting from Jane when one walked in the door, the pleasant service at the table, and the fine food made it a unique place. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to replicate that. And Milo’s was very good to the Public i, having been one of its original sustainers.

But in our sadness over Milo’s demise, we are pleased that owners Jane and Obdulio will be able to live their lives with much less stress. We wish them a very happy and healthy future, and do look forward to seeing them as friends and neighbors for as long as they remain in Urbana/Champaign. And we thank them profusely for having given so much pleasure to our community.

The Editorial Collective of the Public i



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