Move to Amend announcement

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Democratic Revolution vs. Corporate Rule: It’s Up to Us!

Monday, September 24th, 7-9PM
309 W Green St, Urbana – Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign

Free & open to the public. Free childcare is available, please email us the ages of the children.

 Join Move to Amend’s National Outreach Director Greg Coleridge for an inspiring call-to-action and discussion on the nationwide movement to pass a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to end corporate personhood.

➔ Local Leaders will join Greg and relate Local Issues to this Movement!
➔ Find out about specific actions we can take in Illinois!
➔ Learn the history of how the Supreme Court got us here and what it will take to abolish corporate personhood and get big money out of politics!
➔ Join us to learn how to work with those we elect in November to grow a democratic revolution to prevent corporate rule!
➔ Get personally inspired and motivated to join the movement!

Sponsored by:
The Social Action Committee of the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign, contacts: Doug Jones 217-377-6787 djones42@gmail or Nancy Dietrich 217-337-0334 and Move to Amend For more information contact Milly Harmon at 916-318-8040

Flyer:  CU_Move_to_Amend_single_quarter_page_R3_flyer_9_24_18

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