Alternative Education Resources: The Educational Journal Review

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Now more than ever teachers and those interested in questioning the current educational reform movement mandated for our public schools may want to turn to the non-profit, independent publication: Rethinking Schools. This publication has offered ideas and inspiration for 17 years by stressing a grassroots perception on issues of equity and social justice. Rethinking Schools endeavors to link classroom issues to broader events and to focus on true educational reform efforts at both local and national levels.
To find out more about this publication you can go to Or call 1-800-669-4192. A variety of resources and materials are available to assist teachers, parents and students to regain a voice within the current local, state and national top down efforts to stifle and narrow curriculum and bury creativity under an array of increasing paper work and testing. Now more than ever educators as well as the public in general should be Rethinking Schools. Warning: Nearby local community fearful of Rethinking Schools.
The last time this educational journal was shared with teachers and educators in a nearby community some critics found it problematic. A controversy arose and the issue of the publication found its way to the superintendent’s office. The complaints seem to have come from a few who thought the journal contained too much information and could lead teachers to share less than patriotic views with their students. The journal does pose questions about many current political and international events. Isn’t that what education should be about? The journal’s information was also seen as a possible cause for sympathy toward the Muslim world and to not be in line with the current position of the US government.
Rethinking Schools is just right, however, if you want to be challenged to think and to challenge the lies and misinformation often dispersed as facts by many mandated school curriculums from the US Department of Education on down. Many resources are available from Rethinking Schools. Topics include questioning overuse of technology in schools, high stakes testing, federal mandates, creativity and art, factually accurate history, professional development and evaluation, and the role of parents in schools. This quarterly journal is a good way to start rethinking schools in your community and the cost is just right too, at only $15 a year. Or borrow it from the IMC library.

Jan Kruse is a first grade teacher in Mattoon, Illinois.

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