Become a Member of the UCIMC

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The UCIMC membership is the UCIMC.Although some people are able to volunteer
more time than others, every member is equally important when it comes to deciding
the direction for Indymedia in Urbana-Champaign. From the beginning, our IMC was
founded on this idea of equality – no single group, managers or representatives are in
charge. The decisions that affect the UCIMC the most are made by the members at the
membership meeting, which is twice yearly, on the first Saturday of April and the first
Thursday of October.
UCIMC membership dues are the bulk of the funding that makes the UCIMC possible.
Without the financial support of our membership the UCIMC simply would not
Membership is annual and the dues are sliding scale donation of $25-$50 per year.
However, no person will be refuse membership because of an inability to pay. Anyone
may request that the UCIMC waive all or part of the IMC membership donation by
talking to any working group of the UCIMC. You can also choose to become a Sustaining
Funder and donate $10-100 monthly to the UCIMC.
In addition to keeping Indymedia alive and vibrant in Urbana-Champaign, membership
in the UCIMC comes with benefits.Members can:
• check out media-making equipment
• use the editing equipment in the production room
• check out books, magazines, videos, audio
• cassettes, and zines from the UCIMC library
• rent the UCIMC space at a reduced rate
These are just small ways in which we can thank you for your support. But realize that
you are a part of the UCIMC in more ways than just though your checkbook.Your voice
can be heard though our interactive news website, through the
Public i, through the IMC Radio News, Mondays at 5:30 PM on WEFT 90.1 FM, and
through participation at UCIMC meetings.
Please take a moment to fill out and return the donation form to start or renew your
membership, make a one-time donation, or become a Sustaining Funder.

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