Beyond The Chief: Art Exhibit On Nevada St.

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Edgar Heap of Birds (left), a Cheyenne-Arapaho, is an artist whose
work ranges from conceptual public art messages to paintings,
prints, and monumental sculptures.
He will deliver a presentation about his work and new installation
titled Beyond the Chief, consisting of 12 outdoor sign plates at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Feb 18, 2009, 5:30 p.m. at the Asian American
Cultural House, 1210 W. Nevada St.
Beyond the Chief provides an opportunity
for those of us at the University of Illinois to
consider the indigenous history of our campus
and the state in which we live. The signs
in this public art exhibit include the names of
a dozen Indigenous peoples whose homelands
are within the boundaries of the state of
Illinois. Many of these peoples continue
today with viable governments, cultures, and
languages. All of them remain, even if some
are only remnants of what they once were.
Members of these groups live, learn, and work on campus. We at
Native American House and American Indian Studies hope Beyond
the Chief helps all of us who share our campus learn more about
those whose homelands we occupy.

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