Valedictorian Speech From The Odyssey Project

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Good Afternoon Friends, Family and Faculty.
Thank you for taking time to celebrate
with the 2010 Graduating class of the
Odyssey Project.
About 2-years ago I saw the Odyssey Program
advertised in the News Gazette paper
and I thought WOW, what an opportunity
but at that time my personal plate was full
and I couldn’t take advantage of the Project,
but I did tell others about it, and one of my
fellow co-workers completed the program
last year. Little did I know a year later I
would need some additional humanities
credits in order to complete my Bachelor of
Science Degree and so on a personal note
that is what this project has done for me. gives a definition of the
word ODYSSEY as an extended adventurous
voyage or trip. An intellectual or spiritual
quest. Both definitions are fitting to
what we’ve experienced.
This is my explanation of the letters
which spell ODYSSEY:
O Opportunity—to reach new heights
in the Humanities
D Dignity—everyone has a story
worth telling and listening to
Y Yearning—we were here to increase
our educational pursuits
S Solidarity—there was unity of purpose
and togetherness
S Success—this is an event that accomplishes
an intended purpose
E Effort—it took physical energy to get
to class and mental energy to maintain
in class
Y Yes—an affirmative yes you can, it is so,
we are the ones who made it through
A quote from Nelson Mandela says education
is the great engine of personal development.
It is through education that the
daughter of a peasant can become a doctor,
that a son of a mineworker can become the
head of the mine, and that a child of farm
workers can become the president.
Thank you Odyssey Project and all who
have traveled this odyssey with me.

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