The Beehive Collective to Come to Urbana

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The Beehive Collective will bring their exciting, interactive presentation to the UCIMC. Come join us for an evening of art, education, community, and fun.

Thursday October 6th at 7pm
Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center

Long exploited as a resource-extraction colony within the US, the
Appalachian Mountains are home to a fight for survival whose outcome will
determine in part the industrial power of this country. Without coal,
there would be no ‘cheap’ electricity. Today’s energy corporations and
government bodies are continuing to show the extent of their violence and
greed as they push their extractive agendas in the “New Coal Rush.”

Our insatiable demand for cheap power has lead to the most extreme,
devastating form of coal mining yet, Mountaintop Removal (MTR). The TRUE
COST OF COAL graphic uses MTR in Appalachia as a lens through which to
understand the historical and contemporary story of ENGERY, RESOURCE
EXTRACTION and of AMERICAN EMPIRE accelerating throughout the world.  We
will expose the DECEPTIONS of CLEAN COAL technologies and bring to light
the ensuing CLIMATE CHAOS facing the world today.

With a gigantic portable teeming with intricate images of plants and
animals from the most bio-diverse temperate forest on the planet, the Bees
will share (and seek) stories of how coal mining and Mountaintop Removal
affect communities and ecosystems throughout Appalachia and beyond.

This graphic also looks to the future, raising questions about resistance,
regeneration, and remediation while celebrating stories of struggle from
mountain communities. The TRUE COST OF COAL will challenge all of us who
casually flip on a light switch to examine our own connections to MTR- and
to think about what we can do to stop it from within our own communities.
Learn more about this graphics campaign at

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