Day of Action

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(Tom Thomas is a local poet and co-host of the Saturday

International-World Labor Hour on WEFT, 90.1 FM)


A National Day of Action

Is what we are having today

So we may protest infraction

And get some Justice, if we may!


In UNITY we’ll march today

Upon the sidewalks labor-laid

We WILL say what we have to say,

For from our Dreams we have NOT strayed!


Our ‘Financial-Apocalypse’

Was brought upon us by the banks-

The banks like J.P. Morgan Chase

Who rob you without saying, “Thanks!”


They are like giant cannibals

Devouring each Home and Life-

We SEE beyond the big vault’s walls

Where hide the ones who bring us strife!


‘Twas almost a Hundred-Billion

That we Taxpayers had to pay-

They robbed us all, without a gun,

And don’t expect them to re-pay…


Unless enough of us speak out

When Tax-time comes around again,

And that will take the loudest shout

That in our Land has ever been!


Our shouts should be heard from Wall Street

Clear to the San Francisco Bay,

And in the streets we’ll put our feet,

Demanding JUSTICE in OUR day!


A National Day of Action

Is what we are having today

So we may protest infraction,

And get some JUSTICE, if we may!


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