Errata to City Court Article

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I would like to correct two errors of fact that I made in an article on Champaign’s City Court in the November 2010 issue of the Public i  First, I stated that the “court/expense fee,” the fee that a guilty party had to pay in additions to the fine, was $750.  That is wrong.  $750 is the maximum fine that can be levied against someone who is found guilty of violating the city ordinance.  The actual additional fee collected by the court is $115 plus $25% of the fine.  Second, I said that the sheriff could use monitored home confinement instead of holding people in jail.  That too is wrong.  People found guilty of contempt of court for not paying the fines and court costs are not eligible for home monitored confinement.  I apologize to the readers for these errors.

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