A Poem by T’Aari D. Hunter, “ME”

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by: T’Ari D. Hunter

They said I wasn’t Pretty,
They Lied.
To be like them,
I tried.
But being like them wasn’t for me.
Being like them,
I didn’t feel pretty.
I felt ashamed,
Like I was a follower.
I realized, I had to take the Lead,
The ONLY person I want to be…

May112013 017T’ari D. Hunter is the oldest daughter of Calvin and Ion Hunter. She is a ten-year-old 5th grader, Supernova student at Booker T. Washington STEM Academy in Champaign. Surprisingly, at this young age, she has had to deal with the petty groupings of girls (clicks), focusing on what she wears, and the taunts of others withdrawing “friendship” on a whim. Her family has always encouraged her to concentrate on getting a great education and let the social discord pass her by. We were pleased to find out through her poem that it was a lesson well learned.

Submitted by her very proud grand-mother, Mrs. Sheila D. Capers


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