Rep. Carol Ammons Holds Community Advisory Panels

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Newly elected State Representative of the 103rd House District Carol Ammons, is reaching out to Champaign-Urbana community members to bring their passion and expertise to her Community Advisory Panels. Each panel is responsible for following the bills moving through corresponding committees in the state legislature, analyzing them for their impact on the 103rd district and the state overall, providing feedback to Representative Ammons on the bills, and proposing and drafting legislation that is needed. For example, at the first Environment & Energy meeting several proposed House bills were discussed, including one that proposed ending the ban on Bobcat hunting. The panel recommended that Representative Ammons oppose that bill. Each panel has its own dedicated and competent University of Illinois intern to assist with research, writing, and coordination of meetings.

The Community Advisory Panels are:

All Panel meetings are held at Representative Ammons’s office at 407 East University Avenue, Champaign. The office is accessible and parking is available behind the office building.  For more information, call the local office at (217)531-1660 and go to to sign up for a Panel so you will receive relevant materials before the meeting and be updated on any changes.

Please grab this chance to make a difference for our community and state! This is what democracy looks like!

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