Author Archives: Chris Evans

There’s Something Happening Here

Gun violence in Champaign-Urbana has certainly dominated public discourse of late. As a city council member, I hear a lot of it. Here are some common myths being thrown around about local gun violence and law enforcement: “The libs on … Continue reading

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URBANA- In the midst of a crisis of confidence, The Fraternal Order of Police received a shot in the arm from the recent selection of Donald Trump as President. Trump has dusted off Richard Nixon’s 1968 “law and order” mantra … Continue reading

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Thank You, Mr. Walton

On June 23rd, longtime homeless man Bill Walton passed away at age 69. He spent many of his last days on the steps on the Independent Media Center. Upon thinking of the passing of Bill this week, one of Bill’s … Continue reading

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Update on the Case of “Homeless” Bill Walton

On Wednesday, August 3, 2011, two Urbana police officers approached “homeless” Bill Walton in the foyer of the Urbana City Building and asked him if he would come with them, pursuant to a court order that Walton be “medically” evaluated. … Continue reading

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