You Can’t Jail the Spirit: US Political Prisoners and POWs

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other Political Prisoner/POW-related resources, go to our
political prisoner page. The list is alphabetical. And as of
February 2005, there are so many names that we have split
off onto separate pages the lists, those who have died in custody
and those who have been recently released.
Ali Khalid Abdullah #148130
Haki Malik Abdullah #C-56123
Mumia Abu-Jamal #AM-8335
Sundiata Acoli #39794-066
Charles Sims Africa #AM-4975
Debbie Sims Africa #006307
Delbert Orr Africa #AM-4985
Edward Goodman Africa #AM-4974
Janet Holloway Africa #006308
Janine Phillips Africa #006309
Michael Davis Africa #AM-4973
William Phillips Africa #AM-4984
Imam Jamil Al-Amin #1104651
Tre Arrow CS#05850722
Kalima Aswad #B24120
Zolo Azania #4969
Herman Bell #79C-0262
Greg Boertje-Obed
Nathan Block #1663667
Joseph “Jo-Jo” Bowen #AM 4272
Veronza Bowers, Jr. #35316-136
Marilyn Buck #00482-285
Fred “Muhammad” Burton
Ruben Campa (aka Fernando Gonzalez) #58733-004
Byron Shane Chubbuck #07909-051
Jacob Conroy, #93501-011
Marshal Eddie Conway #116469
Rodney Coronado #03895-000
Jorge Cruz #26318-069
Brian DeRouen #92459-020CI
Dunne #10916-086
Romaine‘Chip’ Fitzgerald #B-27527
Patrice Lumumba Ford #96639-011
Darius Fulmer #26397-050
Christine Gaunt
Lauren Gazzola #93497-011
Ana Lucia Gelabert #384484
David Gilbert #83-A-6158
William Gilday #W33537
René González #58738-004
Antonio Guerrero #58741-004
Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan
Bashir Hameed) #82-A-6313
Joshua Harper #29429-086
Eddie Hatcher #0173499
Robert Seth Hayes #74-A-2280
Alvaro Luna Hernandez #255735
Gerardo Hernandez #58739-004
Freddie Hilton #115688
James “Doc” Holiday #86555-012
Robert Joyner #AF 3793
Alvin Joyner #AF 4296
Carl Kabat
Sekou Cinque T.M. Kambui #113058
Khalfani X. Khaldun #874304
Yu Kikumura #090008-050
James William Kilgore #09879-000
Kevin Kjonaas #93502-011
Mohamman Geuka Koti, 80A-0808
Jaan Laaman W41514
Ramon Labañino (Luis Medina) #58734-004
Richard Mafundi Lake #79972
Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa #27768
Maliki Shakur Latine #81-A-4469
Oscar Lopez-Rivera #87651-024
Jeffrey “Free” Luers #13797671
Ojore Lutalo #59860
Ruchell Cinque Magee #A92051
Abdul Majid #83-A-0483
Thomas Manning #10373-016
Sr. Lelia Mattingly #92460-020
Eric McDavid
Daniel McGowan #63794-053
Masai Mugmuk #58157
Ramiro “Ramsey” R. Muñiz #40288-115
Jalil Muntaqim (aka Anthony Jalil Bottom) #77A4283
Sekou Odinga #05228-054
Sara Olson #W94197
Leonard Peltier #89637-132
Dan Pens #279308
José Pérez González #21519-069
Hugo “Dahariki” Pinell #A88401
Ed Poindexter #110403
Luis V. Rodríguez #C33000
Kojo Bomani Sababu #39384-066
Tewahnee Sahme #11186353
Hanif Shabazz Bey #295933
Abdul Shakur #C-48884
Dr. Mutulu Shakur #83205-012
Shaka Shakur #28443
Tsutomo Shirosaki #20924-016
Russel Maroon Shoats #AF-3855
Andrew Stepanian #26399-050
James “Ashante” Sullivan #AF 6772
Carlos Alberto Torres #88976-024
Priscilla Treska
Daud Obida Tulam #55657-CN-861
Gary Tyler #84156
José Vélez Acosta #23883-069
John Wade #38548-083
Herman “Hooks” Wallace
Mike Walli
Gary Watson #098990
Hugh Williams #AF 2932
Albert Woodfox #72148
Helen Woodson #03231-045
Joyanna Zacher #1662550
These comrades joined the ancestors while in custody.
William Rodgers, 2006
Richard Williams, 2005
Warren Wells, 2001
Teddy Jah Heath, 2001
Albert Nuh Washington, 2000
Merle Austin Africa, 1998
Kuwasi Balagoon, 1986

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