Purpose Workshop at the IMC

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Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Or maybe you “have it all” on the surface but deep down you’re just plain exasperated and fatigued. Lack is an illusion & you cannot step into a fulfilling life of purpose and passion until you break through the facade of limitation! Anatta’s Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching & Fitness Training is pleased to announce that we will be holding our first series of “Survival vs. Purpose: Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose in Spite of…” workshops at the Independent Media Center! Curriculum includes: Lack is an Illusion, Ego & Identity, & Dealing with and using Rejection.

Workshop Date: Saturday, October 24th, 12pm-3pm at the Independent Media Center sun room.

$25 registration, cashier’s checks & money orders payable to Anatta Okonkwo. Cash on arrival will be accepted.

To register or for more information email: Anatta7okonkwo@gmail.com with the subject line: PURPOSE WORKSHOP

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