Category Archives: IMC

August/September Issue Back Cover

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The Public i: Countering Hegemonic Mass Media Narratives

I have always wondered how the Public i, which operates under one of the few Independent Media Centers (IMCs) that still exist in the United States—the UCIMC—has been sustainable for two decades despite the growing dissolutions of Indymedia centers worldwide. … Continue reading

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Taking Applications for “Open Scene,” IMC’s Youth Media Project

The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (UCIMC) and the City of Urbana are happy to launch Open Scene, a project to reimagine downtown Urbana through arts-based dialogues led by youth. Open Scene will be anchored at the UCIMC, a media and … Continue reading

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UCIMC Is Hiring For 2 Positions

The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (IMC) is seeking a full time Program Director to coordinate and develop programs, coordinate volunteers, outreach and fundraising for the organization and a part time Program Coordinator to serve as the IMC liaison to the City of Urbana … Continue reading

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IMC Gallery: Art Under Pressure

The IMC Gallery is excited to announce Art Under Pressure featuring works from student artists from Centennial High School: Nellie Haug Amy Janson Brenda Gonzalez Salinas Avalon Ruby Adriana Ortiz Carolyn Cai Hannah Schriefer Pascale Grant Veronica Miller Opening Reception: … Continue reading

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Children With Incarcerated Parents Played Key Role in Phone Justice Victory!

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted recently to cap the rates of phone calls from prisons and jails after years of profiteering by telecommunications companies that have made millions off of those incarcerated and their families. In her comments before … Continue reading

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Hometown Dedication

The below poem was read by Coco Harmon at the 15-year anniversary celebration for the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center. You can watch it online here thanks to UPTV. — Have you been there? You know, that moment when your legs … Continue reading

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Purpose Workshop at the IMC

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Or maybe you “have it all” on the surface but deep down you’re just plain exasperated and fatigued. Lack is an illusion & you cannot step into a fulfilling life of purpose … Continue reading

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IMC Gallery

The IMC Gallery this summer collaborated with the Arts of Life to present a group show curated by artist Tim Stone, of the Chicago Studio. The Arts of Life is a studio based community for adults with developmental disabilities. This … Continue reading

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Oct. 9-11: UCIMC 15th Anniversary

Reunion, Celebration, & Conversation Thursday-Sunday, Oct. 9-11 at the Independent Media Center 15 years ago a handful of people gathered in a living room, collectivized their media equipment and started to tell untold stories. In 2005, we bought the post … Continue reading

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WRFU Raises Tower Now Reaching Entire Community

Have something to say? An issue or kind of music you are passionate about? Thanks WRFU’s new tower, now you can reach all of Champaign, Urbana, and Savoy through WRFU 104.5 FM, a community radio station located in the Independent … Continue reading

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Message to the Community from the UCIMC Board of Directors

Message to the C-U Community from the UCIMC Board of Directors Dear Community Members: The purpose of this communication is, first, to provide information about an incident that allegedly occurred at the Independent Media Center where one of our staff … Continue reading

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Section 20 of the UCIMC Personnel Policy, adopted March 20, 2012

“UC-IMC is committed to creating and maintaining a work place free of sexual harassment.  Improper conduct in the workplace is inappropriate and will not be tolerated.  This conduct includes: –Express or implied requests for sexual favors as a condition of … Continue reading

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Community Radio Broadcasters and Builders Converged at GRC 2012

Community radio broadcasters and builders converged at GRC 2012 Originally posted at Radio Survivor on July 31, 2012 by Paul Riismandel   Jennifer Waits and I attended the Grassroots Radio Conference this past weekend in Urbana, IL. These are my … Continue reading

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Grassroots Radio Conference Coming to Urbana: Hundreds converging July 26-29 to chart the future of community radio.

From July 26-29, the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center will be hosting the Grassroots Radio Conference (GRC), an annual conference celebrating the vibrant and democratic medium of local, community-driven radio. Highlights include a Friday night keynote by New York Times best-selling … Continue reading

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Acceptance Speech by Danielle Chynoweth for Woman of the Year Award 2011

On October 13, 2011, UC-IMC co-founder Danielle Chynoweth was presented with the Woman of the Year Award at an event organized by the News-Gazette. To a packed room of more than 300 people, she gave the speech that appears below. … Continue reading

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Al Jazeera Reporter Visits UCIMC

Franc Contreras, a reporter for Al Jazeera based in Mexico City stopped by the IMC when he was in town. He gave a talk on campus about the drug war in Mexico sponsored by La Casa, the Department for Dept. … Continue reading

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Know A Teen Who Would Love A Hands-On Creativity Camp?

The Independent Media Center is hosting its third annual IndyMedia & Arts Lab! The Lab will take place August 1 – August 5th and August 8 – August 12, 2011 from 9-3 pm. Teens ages 10-16 are invited to engage … Continue reading

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UCIMC/AmeriCorps Year-End Graduation Celebration

Six AmeriCorps members will celebrate their achievements at the second annual UCIMC/AmeriCorps Year-End Graduation Celebration August 5, 2011 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center, 202 S. Broadway, Urbana. The celebration will include a photo presentation … Continue reading

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The Legacy Of The 1999 WTO “Battle Of Seattle” On Champaign-Urbana

During the late summer and early fall of 1999, I saw a multitude of e-mails and postings on the relatively new internet, from numerous citizens’ organizations and individuals, indicating their plans to go to Seattle in November to protest the … Continue reading

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