March/April Issue Back Cover

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Activists of new local group UC Jews for Cease-Fire. Photo by Al Kagan

Hundreds gathered in Westside Park on Saturday, March 2 as part of a Global Day of Action for Palestine. They heard speeches and then marched through downtown Champaign.

Press conference for Gaza in downtown Champaign on February 23. Photo by Rick Esbenshade

A community coalition organized a press conference and demonstration in downtown Champaign on February 23 to demand that local US Representative Nikki Budzinski (D-IL) change her position regarding US support for Israel’s genocidal attacks on Gaza. Dua Aldasouqi of Champaign-Urbana Muslim Action Committee, Urbana-Champaign Jews for Cease-Fire member Chelsea Birchmier, and Reverend Sally Fritsche of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign gave statements, and the crowd of approximately 100 people then marched to Budzinski’s office and presented her with their demands–also including that she sign the US House of Representatives cease-fire resolution, publicly call for and help facilitate the sending of humanitarian aid into Gaza, vote to stop US military aid to Israel now, and meet in person with Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian constituents who have lost loved ones in Gaza. She agreed to a subsequent Zoom meeting, however at it she agreed to none of the demands; community pressure continues.

The crowd in front of Rep. Budzinski’s office, demanding an end to US support for Israel’s war on Gaza. Photo by Rick Esbenshade

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