Tag Archives: peace movement

The Gaza Protests and Grassroot Challenges to US Foreign Policy

Letters to the editor, teach-ins, motions for divestment, campus protests, city resolutions . . . These expressions of citizen concern are not unique to the ongoing war on Gaza and are entirely appropriate to a democracy. Local communities have the … Continue reading

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Posted in Foreign Policy, Gaza, Israel/Palestine, Middle East, Peace movement, Vietnam War | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Gaza Protests and Grassroot Challenges to US Foreign Policy

The Making of a Social Justice Priest

Compiled by Janice Jayes from interviews she recorded between 2018 and 2023, in which Father Tom reflected on the many experiences that expanded his vision of moral responsibilities in the decades after his 1960 ordination. Daniel Berrigan and the Challenges … Continue reading

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Posted in Latin America, Peace movement, Politics, Religious radicalism, Sanctuary movement, Vietnam War, Violence, War, World-wide death and suffering | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Making of a Social Justice Priest

March/April Issue Back Cover

Hundreds gathered in Westside Park on Saturday, March 2 as part of a Global Day of Action for Palestine. They heard speeches and then marched through downtown Champaign.  244 total views,  2 views today

 244 total views,  2 views today

Posted in Imperialism, Israel/Palestine, Middle East, Peace movement, Violence, War | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on March/April Issue Back Cover

Daniel Ellsberg: “The Most Dangerous Man in America” and Heroic Whistleblower

“Wouldn’t you go to prison to help end this war?” Daniel Ellsberg, 1971 “I was PFC Manning.” Daniel Ellsberg, 2011 “The current risk of nuclear war, over Ukraine, is as great as the world has ever seen.” Daniel Ellsberg, 2023 … Continue reading

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Posted in Foreign Policy, Free Speech, Imperialism, Peace movement, Vietnam War, War | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Daniel Ellsberg: “The Most Dangerous Man in America” and Heroic Whistleblower