Category Archives: Animal Rights

Reform Champaign County Animal Control Policies to Treat Pets and Other Animals Humanely

Like so many others in Champaign-Urbana, I’m a proud dog parent. We adopted our first dog in early 2023. He’s a former stray, and based on his timid behavior at the time we adopted him, veterinarians suspect he was abused … Continue reading

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Posted in Ableism, Animal Rights, Champaign County, county goverment | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Reform Champaign County Animal Control Policies to Treat Pets and Other Animals Humanely

Canada Goose Population Control: Homeowner Associations Become Experts—Print Version

See the full version of this article here. Spring is a good time to consider the giant Canada goose and methods of population control that are legal and humane. Canada geese (Branta canadensis maxima), like all waterfowl, are protected at … Continue reading

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Canada Goose Population Control: Homeowner Associations Become Experts—Long Version

Spring is a good time to consider the giant Canada goose and methods of population control that are legal and humane. March is breeding time. Male and female breeding pairs separate from the flock and become very protective of their … Continue reading

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