Category Archives: health

Covid Origins

Understanding the origins of the Covid pandemic matters because the answer should guide how much we regulate work on pathogens that could start another pandemic. Did it come from some sort of lab leak (LL) or did it spill over … Continue reading

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Advocating for End-of-Life Options in Illinois

The Illinois End-of-Life Options for Terminally Ill Patients Act (SB3499), which would authorize medical aid in dying in Illinois, was introduced in the Illinois Senate on February 9, 2024 by Assistant Majority Leader Linda Holmes (D-Aurora). None of the bill’s … Continue reading

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Posted in health, health care, Healthcare, IL, Section, seniors, the elderly | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Advocating for End-of-Life Options in Illinois

Central Illinois Police Training for Mental Health Cases Questioned — Full Version

Tisha Bryson has been shackled, hospitalized and shoved to the ground by central Illinois law enforcement officers while experiencing a mental health crisis more times than she can count. “I try not to hold grudges,” Bryson said, a resident of … Continue reading

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Posted in health, Mental Health, Police, police accountability, Police brutality, Policing, Racism, Section | Tagged , | Comments Off on Central Illinois Police Training for Mental Health Cases Questioned — Full Version

A Win for the Whole Community: New Funds Will Improve Immigrant Access to Mental Health Services in Champaign County

All who work with newly arrived individuals and families in the Champaign-Urbana community are aware of the challenges in trying to connect immigrants with mental health support. Teachers, school counselors, public health workers, legal aid societies, and others who are … Continue reading

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The University and its Workers during the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has affected universities all over the country and the world. Different institutions have chosen different approaches, from keeping all courses online and discouraging students from returning (Smith College, Harvard University, etc.) to a full opening of residential … Continue reading

Posted in COVID pandemic, health, Labor, Labor/Economics, University of Illinois, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Comments Off on The University and its Workers during the Pandemic

The Coronavirus in Europe: A Force that Unites or Divides?

Upon arrival in mid-July, Budapest seemed another world from the oppressive virus anxiety of most of the US: offices and businesses fully open; cafes and restaurants thriving, with no restrictions; few masks or other measures in sight (masks are required … Continue reading

Posted in COVID-19, European Union, health, Healthcare | Comments Off on The Coronavirus in Europe: A Force that Unites or Divides?

We Don’t Live in a Food Desert, We Live under Food Apartheid: Interview with Dawn Blackman

Dawn Mosley Blackman, a Chicago native, moved to Champaign in April, 1993. She is the current steward of the Randolph Street Community Garden and a pastor at the Church of the Brethren. As a military wife she lived in Europe … Continue reading

Posted in African Americans, Community, Food Insecurity, health, Poverty | Comments Off on We Don’t Live in a Food Desert, We Live under Food Apartheid: Interview with Dawn Blackman

Champaign County Bailout Coalition Plans Noise Demonstration Rally

The Public i has received this press release from the Champaign County Bailout Coalition. We have published the statement in its entirety below. To download a copy of this statement, click here. Champaign County Bailout Coalition Noise Demonstration Rally Demanding … Continue reading

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Violence as a Public Health Issue: One Nurse’s Perspectives

Another round of mass shootings in the news and once again Americans ask, “What can be done to keep my loved ones safe?”  Sadly, these tragic events are only the tip of a terrible iceberg of violence that devastates families … Continue reading

Posted in Crime, Gun violence, health, Violence | Comments Off on Violence as a Public Health Issue: One Nurse’s Perspectives

Ban Fracking in Illinois this Year

By Lois Kain Lois Kain lives in Urbana and is a member of Food and Water Watch and Sierra Club. Illinois has so far avoided the damages that inevitably result from horizontal, or directional, High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF), known … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Environment, Environment, health, Land, social services | Comments Off on Ban Fracking in Illinois this Year

The Able-ist Gaze: Imagining Malingering

Meadow Jones is an artist, activist and scholar. She is a doctoral student in Art Education at the University of Illinois. She works in the realm of aesthetic theory and practice, focusing specifically on embodiment, empathy, and disability.  She is … Continue reading

Posted in Ableism, health | Comments Off on The Able-ist Gaze: Imagining Malingering

County Nursing Home Deserves and Needs Voters’ Support

Much attention has been given to the election of local officials on April 4, but there is as issue that is equally pressing. That is the fate of the Champaign County Nursing Home (CCNH). Voters will be presented with two … Continue reading

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