Author Archives: Neil Parthun

The Pandemic and Pro Wrestling

In the November, 2019 Public i, I wrote about one of the earliest gig economies: professional wrestling. There, independent pro wrestler David Starr discussed the incredibly imbalanced power dynamics of the corporate wrestling scene in America. While watching corporations and … Continue reading

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An Early Gig Economy: Pro Wrestling

By now, almost everybody knows that professional wrestling is a “worked” sport—requiring wrestlers to advance storylines, choreograph matches and implement predetermined outcomes set by the industry’s bookers and writers. Yet the in-ring entertainment provided by these men and women can … Continue reading

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Trump Pardons Jack Johnson

On May 24, 2018, President Donald Trump officially signed a posthumous pardon for heavyweight boxer Jack Johnson. As a radical and a sports fan, it was a surreal moment on a number of levels. But to explain how, it is … Continue reading

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Green Bay Packers—A Better Model for Sports Ownership

In the past months, the National Football League (NFL) has been the focus of popular anger from its fans. First, the Rams successfully petitioned to move from St. Louis to Los Angeles. The San Diego Chargers followed suit by relocating … Continue reading

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National African American Parent Involvement Day Event in Rantoul

Announcement Blurb National African American Parent Involvement Day is a nation-wide celebration that typically occurs on the second Monday in February. This year, Eater Junior High will be hosting an event for all parents and families to celebrate NAAPID. Monday, … Continue reading

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Rio 2016: Beautiful Games at Huge Cost

From August 5 to August 21, Rio will be the home of some of the most beautifully intense displays of athletics during the 2016 Summer Olympics. While fans will rightfully be enjoying the amazing displays, we should also pay attention … Continue reading

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Rantoul Jr. High Hosts 1st NAAPID Event

National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) is a national event that started in 1995 as the brainchild of long time Michigan principal Joseph Dulin. He was inspired to take action after attending the Million Man March and a speaker … Continue reading

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UIUC Sport Scandals

The University of Illinois has been the focus of myriad scandals in the past months. While much attention has been given to the academic and ethical transgressions, there has been relatively little paid to the outrageous behavior alleged to be … Continue reading

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Anniversary of 1968 Olympics Protest

October 16 is the 47th anniversary of the courageous protest by US athletes Tommie Smith, John Carlos and Australian Peter Norman at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. Smith and Carlos took direct action with their fists in the sky, … Continue reading

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Northwestern Football Player Union

“This will give a totally different meaning to wildcat strikes.” – anarchist prisoner Sean Swain, in a letter to me Months after the Bowl Championship Series National Champion was crowned in college football, and as we prepared for the end … Continue reading

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Peter Norman and the 45th Anniversary of the ’68 Olympics

This October is the 45th anniversary of the 1968 Summer Olympics and one of the most iconic events in American history, the raised fists of U.S. track athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos on the medal stand. Much has rightfully … Continue reading

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Jason Collins

“I’m a 34 year old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.” With these simple words, Jason Collins made history as the first actively playing out athlete in the NBA, NHL, MLB or NFL. The overwhelming reaction to Collins’ important … Continue reading

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Hugo Chavez and Yewri Guillen

Hugo Chavez and Yewri Guillen are two dead Latin Americans who, although they never knew each other and came from different countries, are deeply connected. Yewri Guillen was an 18-year-old Dominican who died in April 2011, just as he was … Continue reading

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The NHL Lockout

On September 15, the National Hockey League (NHL) locked out its players. This wass the fourth sports lockout within the last two years. It was the third lockout and fourth labor stoppage for NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman.The then expired collective … Continue reading

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Fracking in Southern Illinois

Annette McMichael 217-273-1000 am@greenemediaservice.comWhat the Frack? What do I have in common with Sean Lennon, Lady Gaga & Romania’s Princess Caradja, a decendent of Vlad the Impaler? We’re all fighting the gas industry to save our respective lands and the … Continue reading

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Dark Knight Rises Reimann Response

John Reimann’s article “Hollywood’s War on American Youth” is an error-ridden piece that people should seriously question before accepting its main thesis. While not an overtly revolutionary film, “The Dark Knight Rises” can also be seen as a criticism of … Continue reading

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“The Title IX Olympics”

Title IX celebrated its fortieth anniversary in June. While the legislation was originally meant to target sex discrimination in hiring and employment, it has become associated with its impacts on women in sport. Since its inception, women have seen immense … Continue reading

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The London Olympics

The London Olympics by Neil Parthun The 2012 Summer Olympics will be held from July 27 to August 12, 2012. While the Games will bring international athletes together in spectacles of sport, it will also bring another spectacle altogether. As … Continue reading

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Shahid Khan Blurb

While it appears that Shahid Khan has a battle on his hands with workers alleging Occupational Health and Safety violations at their Flex N Gate work facilities, he is also facing some problems as the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars. … Continue reading

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Glenn Burke

Glenn Burke is one of the trailblazing pioneers whose name you probably have never heard. Burke started in the 1977 World Series as a rookie and arguably created the high five as a celebratory gesture. But most importantly, he was … Continue reading

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