Category Archives: International

Letter From a Naive Peace Activist to an Israeli Naval Officer

Athens – As a passenger on the upcoming U.S. Boat to Gaza,  I read with interest the account in the June 16 issue of the New York Times of Israeli military preparations to confront the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. A top … Continue reading

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The Tunisian Revolution: Dignity, Expression, Gender, and Religion

The Tunisian Revolution:  Dignity, Expression, Gender, and Religion Dignity The Tunisian uprising that deposed dictator Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali is of enormous historical significance for the entire region of North Africa. A recurring and resounding call during the uprising has … Continue reading

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Is it Fear of Uprisings or Altruistic Punishment?

As the uprisings are spreading around the world and in the United States, there are many who feel fear, reticence, and intense skittishness about what is transpiring. Yet, this anxiety, rather than surprising, is well-cultivated by the contemporary hegemonic forces … Continue reading

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Spirit of the Dance

Listen to Guinea Drumming Imagine six weeks without running or potable water, a common language, or toilet paper… where rats commonly nibble on children at night… where no one else believes your god exits… where your shower is a bucket … Continue reading

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CU In Solidarity With the People of Egypt

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Water and Environmental Justice in Palestine

JERUSALEM, BORDERS, SECURITY, VIOLENCE and the fate of Palestinian refugees: these are the issues most often mentioned when the mainstream media discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Indeed, President Bush has specifically mentioned these issues as he tries to restart talks aimed … Continue reading

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French Protesters Have It Right: No Need to Raise the Retirement Age

THE DEMONSTRATIONS THAT have rocked France this past week highlight some of its differences from the United States. The photo below, for example shows the difference between rioting in baseball- playing versus soccer-playing countries. In the US, we would pick … Continue reading

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Connecting Activists and Activism In Brazil

In Brazil, there is no activism. In Brazil, there are activist people. THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN one and another is that the first is a noun and as such it is supposed to name what activists do. The second is an … Continue reading

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”Students For Justice In Palestine” Question Israeli Studies

On a visit to Israel in 2007, then Chancellor Richard Herman expressed his opposition to a boycott of Israeli academics supported by Great Britain’s University and College Union. Herman stated that “Scholarship and research must remain fluid and borderless, unconstrained … Continue reading

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Free Trade & the Economic Crisis in Nicaragua

THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS that began at the end of 2008 has hit Nicaragua hard. Over a dozen maquilas, factories, that import all the primary materials, export all the products, and comprise the primary source of employment in Nicaragua, have … Continue reading

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A Conference With Mexico City’s Youth

EARLY LAST MONTH I JOINED over 1,300 UN delegates, NGO workers, and policy makers from around the world who descended on Mexico City to attend the 62nd annual UN Department of Public Information/Non-Governmental Organizations (DPI/NGO) Conference. The title of this … Continue reading

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The French Left and the 2009 European Elections

INTUITIVELY, GIVEN THE ROTTEN STATE of the capitalist economy in this period, one might have predicted that the voters in the 2009 election for the European Parliament, the only institution that is directly elected by popular vote in the highly … Continue reading

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24 Hours in Gaza

I FIRST WANT TO THANK THE C-U COMMUNITY for their support of my participation in the Viva Palestina delegation. There is amazing local solidarity for justice in Palestine, and many people gave generously to make my trip possible. The Viva … Continue reading

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Democracy and Israeli’s Other Citizens

MAY 15 IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE establishment of the state of Israel which is celebrated every year with pride and jubilance. The Palestinians in Israel, however, have very little to celebrate. Although most of them are citizens, they have … Continue reading

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The Terrorist Assault on the People of Gaza

Terrorism is the deliberate violent targeting of civilians for political and/or military ends. Those who use terrorism always try to make it seem legitimate. Hamas sends rockets into southern Israel because Israel has taken former Arab land and homes and … Continue reading

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Democracy or Dictatorship in Venezuela

IF WE READ THE NEWSPAPERS and watch TV in the United States, we are told that President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is a “dictator,” “authoritarian,” “a threat to democracy” in his own country and the region, and “anti- U.S.” But … Continue reading

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Update From Kenya IMC

FIVE DAYS AGO, ON THE 27th OF DECEMBER, I stood in a queue for six hours—from 5.30 AM to 11.30 AM, waiting for my turn to cast a vote in my country Kenya’s presidential, parliamentary and civic elections. When the … Continue reading

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Water and Environmental Justice in Palestine

JERUSALEM, BORDERS, SECURITY, VIOLENCE and the fate of Palestinian refugees: these are the issues most often mentioned when the mainstream media discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Indeed, President Bush has specifically mentioned these issues as he tries to restart talks aimed … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, International | 1 Comment

Venezuela and the Media: Fact and Fiction

To read and view the U.S. news media, there is an episode of grand tyranny unfolding, one repugnant to all who cherish democratic freedoms. The Venezuelan government under “strongman” Hugo Chavez refused to renew the 20-year broadcast license for RCTV, … Continue reading

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Twenty Years After Iran-Contra, Washington’s Role in Nicaragua Still a Scandal

Imagine Osama bin Laden visiting the United States ten or 15 years from now, telling Americans who to vote for if they want to avoid getting hurt. It would never happen, but in Nicaragua something very similar happened in the … Continue reading

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